Schools have faced extra challenges this term with the consequences of the pandemic still lingering, a re-ignited focus on outcomes, and huge budgetary constraints due to the rise in living costs. With what feels like the longest term in history finally coming to an end, we hope you’re looking forward to some exciting Christmas plans! Here’s what’s been happening at iAchieve during this term:
New NCFE Specifications
Delivery of the new 2022 NCFE V-Certs specifications has begun!
Our exciting new suite of resources support the successful delivery of the new NCFE V-Cert specifications:

Brand New iAchieve Package
This term saw the successful launch of our popular new package; Alternative Options.
With subject areas aimed at preparing learners for life beyond school, our Alternative Options package engages learners with topical course content which is relevant and applicable to their lives. The subjects within this package really allow for a flexible approach to achieving nationally-recognised, coursework-based level 2 qualifications. It’s budget friendly too!

Loyalty Offers
We want to celebrate schools and teachers that continue to consider iAchieve as a solution. We’ve got offers for schools or teachers who have used iAchieve before, as well as schools who have been recommended iAchieve by another school. Check out our great loyalty offers.
Wellbeing with NCFE

We recently wrote a feature for NCFE covering the ways in which schools could consider using vocational subjects to support students’ wellbeing.
It’s widely acknowledged that many learners are suffering with overwhelm as a results of the pandemic. “Vocational subjects can be a great way to introduce new attitudes towards learning; with more applied ways of learning, there is a slight shift in focus which can create space for learners to overcome struggles they may previously have had with their studies.”
Continue reading to find out more about how vocational pathways can be useful in managing overwhelm.
iAchieve Student Awards
For a second year, we’re celebrating and rewarding the successes of iAchieve students.
Find out more details here.