iAchieve Packages

Loyalty Offers

We recognise that, within schools, things change from year to year; teachers move schools, curriculums vary. We want to celebrate schools and teachers that continue to consider iAchieve as a solution. Check out our great loyalty offers.

iAchieve Movers

Have you used iAchieve before and you’ve now changed school? Would you like to set up a new iAchieve subscription?

We’re offering 10% discount to all teachers that introduce iAchieve to their new school.

Request your discount here:

iAchieve Returners

Has your school used iAchieve before and you’d like to introduce it back into your curriculum?

We’re offering 10% discount to all returning iAchieve schools.

Request your discount here:

iAchieve Recommenders

Would you like to recommend iAchieve to another school or has a school recommended iAchieve to you?

We’re offering discounts and rewards for both recommended and recommender schools.

Click to find out more: