We specialise in helping schools to successfully implement and deliver high-quality vocational and technical qualifications at KS4. We have a range of packages aimed to suit different needs and contexts which have been designed with school budgetary restraints in mind.
Our packages
The courses within this package all count towards current KS4 performance measures, and are approved for KS4 performance tables in 2026. The package offers vocational alternatives to popular GCSE courses, which are brilliant for learners that produce their best work outside of exams, and prefer a more applied approach to learning.
The courses in this package lead to nationally recognised vocational qualifications. They’re 100% internally assessed, flexible in their approach and they’re fantastic options for learners that need some quick successes to boost confidence, self-belief and motivation.
The courses within this package are all QiW approved, 100% internally assessed, and count towards current Welsh performance measures. For learners that need a different route to success, the subjects within this package are engaging, interesting and relevant to everyday life.