These qualifications are approved for 2024, 2025 and 2026 performance tables. Registrations for these V Certs opened on 1 September 2022, ready for first teaching. The first live assessments took place in the 2023/24 session.

We’ve carefully selected the following qualifications because their new structure follows a familiar ‘GCSE style’ format, whilst the 60% weighting of the internal assessment means they are achievable for learners that work better outside the pressures of an exam. Our resources are matched to the following specifications:
NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Health and Fitness (603/7007/5)
The study of health and fitness involves understanding the functions of the body systems, understanding the principles of training, knowing how the body reacts in the short and long-term to fitness activities, how to create and apply lifestyle analysis tools and how to create a fitness programme for a person with specific goals.
NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Business and Enterprise (603/7004/X)
Designed for students who want an introduction to business and enterprise that includes a vocational and project-based element. The qualification will appeal to learners who wish to pursue a career in the business sector or progress onto further study.
NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years (603/7012/9)
This qualification provides an opportunity for learners to gain an introduction to a wide range of themes connected to the roles and responsibilities of the early years practitioner. It involves gaining an understanding of child development in the early years, influences on a child’s development, care routines, early years provision, legislation, and the role of observations and planning.
NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Food and Cookery (603/7014/2)
Students will gain the fundamental skills and knowledge they’ll need to prepare for a career in the hospitality and catering sector. This qualification covers key subject areas, from food health and safety and information on key food groups and key nutrients, to recipe development, amendment and evaluation.
Email us at info@iachieve.org.uk to find out more.