1. Key Stage Four
Our most popular resource package. The Key Stage 4 package is designed for any school wanting to add choice to their vocational curriculum. With 5 different subject programmes to choose from, this package has something for everyone. Each programme covers all the qualification content, learning outcomes and assessment criteria and the qualifications count towards Progress 8.
In July 2018, it was announced that a new statutory curriculum for RSHE would be introduced in September 2020. In response, we developed a whole school solution for delivering high-quality Relationships, Sex and Health Education. Due to Covid-19, the start date for mandatory RSHE has been postponed but will be expected to be introduced, and caught up on, in September 2021. Although it’s not compulsory to teach RSHE as a qualification, our RSHE by iAchieve package is matched to the NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Relationships, Sex and Health Education. Mapping our package to a qualification from an industry-renowned awarding organisation has ensured it’s of the highest quality and fit for purpose. The resource content has been endorsed by CACHE and the spiral style curriculum framework ensures you meet statutory guidance.
3. iAchieve Wales
The iAchieve Wales package is perfect for any school wanting to add choice to their vocational curriculum. Each subject programme covers all the qualification content, learning outcomes and assessment criteria for two popular vocational subjects. The qualifications contribute to the capped 9 school performance measures, and are relevant, engaging, and confidence boosting programmes for learners. We also recently had our Equality and Diversity resources, contained within this package, translated into Welsh.
4. Steps to Success
A package of introductory vocational programmes in interesting and relevant subject areas. Steps to Success is a great option for Year 9 learners that might go on to study vocational subjects at KS4. Learners can gain an ‘iAchieve Certificate of Achievement’ upon completion of these courses.
5. Enrichment
Deliver the ever-relevant Equality and Diversity subject to enrich your curriculum. Learners can achieve an Award, Certificate, or simply study during tutorial time for the benefits this subject area offers.