Now is the perfect time to think about planning for September 2022. As with all subjects, in depth planning is key to your students get the most out of their vocational course. Using iAchieve can significantly boost your planning. Read on for our tips on planning your time, delivery and budget and find out more about iAchieve can support your planning for September 2022.
Planning Your Time

Detailed planning ensures control over the pace of the course and ensure learning is taking place.
Plotting key dates into a planner is a great starting point, this allows clarity over which elements of the course need to be focused on when. Break down learning objectives by half term or term and then make sure each individual lesson has its own learning objective.
iAchieve is simple and quick to implement, leads to real learning, as well as being directly mapped to the qualification specification. Our online learning platform contains interactive resources which span the entire qualifications and have been written and designed by our industry experts. This really assists teachers with pace setting as well as freeing up time which would have been spent on creating resources.
Our Practical Teaching Techniques webinar covers many helpful points for getting the timing on Vocational Qualifications right. Maureen, a teacher who uses iAchieve, explains how she plans the timing of her delivery as well as providing hints and tips on delivery itself.
Make sure you’ve investigated the iAchieve supporting documents section for extra resources to support delivery, and saving precious time for lesson planning. If you don’t have an iAchieve licence yet, you may be interested in our Free Resources page where you can get a clearer insight into the kind of resources we provide.
Planning Your Delivery

Having a good, solid delivery plan gives the ability to be flexible in delivery without worrying you’re going to miss key dates.
iAchieve’s online platform provides complete learning programmes that are matched to the qualification specifications; delivering all of the knowledge and understanding students need to succeed, along with quizzes and activities designed to consolidate learning and boost engagement.
Within your iAchieve package you have access to mapping documents, delivery schedules, training videos, training events and reminder emails to support you to plan their key operational areas.
If you’ve got teachers starting their delivery in September for the first time, they may need some guidance on how to deliver outside subject specialism.
To get the most from your iAchieve package, explore all the areas you can implement iAchieve within your school. We’ve got 5 delivery solutions you could consider, including inclusion and a link to the mainstream.
If you’re looking for inspiration on how to deliver your vocational courses, read our 5 ways to use iAchieve. This includes information on using iAchieve from the front of the classroom, in a computer room or for an independent study approach.
If you’re already an iAchieve user, you can book some training or a meeting to refresh your understanding of the iAchieve platform or if you have some new staff using iAchieve from September, please get in touch and we will arrange this for you.
Planning Your Budget

When forward planning your school’s budget, there’s some time to explore whether there is any room for new edtech or resources that would support the delivery of vocational education.
iAchieve is a budget friendly solution for delivering Vocational Qualifications. We currently have a September Planning Offer, which as well as providing a discount to price, allows early access to the platform prior to September and includes all new courses for 2022 specifications.
Early access to the iAchieve platform means there’s time to get to grips with its functionality as well as attending some training with us before it’s time to deliver.
Enquire here to find out more about the September Planning Offer.