1. Inclusion
An independent learning approach can work wonders for learners that find themselves in an inclusion setting. Vocational and technical qualifications that are equivalent to GCSEs, offer a more practical, less theoretical option for studying a subject, which some learners are simply more suited to. For learners that don’t thrive in a traditional classroom environment, iAchieve provides a different way of learning. iAchieve provides a way of gaining a qualification that counts in Group 3 during time spent in inclusion.
iAchieve can be a valuable option for learners who have hours available on their timetable.
2. A Link to the Mainstream
A blended learning approach can offer an opportunity to link inclusion and the mainstream. Learners can work independently in inclusion, whilst accessing some mainstream classes too. iAchieve can be used to support learners that have been working in alternative provision settings to integrate back into the mainstream classroom.
The platform functions as both a teaching aid in the classroom and a portal for independent learning. It is perfectly adaptable between the two and is perfect for blended learning. Teachers can monitor learner progress, provide feedback and mark work. Learners can take control of their learning, becoming more engaged and encourage behaviours that support mainstream education.
3. Full Cohorts
For subjects such as RSHE and Equality and Diversity, iAchieve can work really well for a full cohort. In this instance, a teacher-lead delivery model can be fantastic, and teachers can use the iAchieve platform to teach directly from. Full cohorts can use the iAchieve materials to spark discussion, encourage group work and participate in peer-assessment.
Especially with RSHE, the benefit of learner access to the platform comes when students access information at their own pace, or remind themselves of information they covered in class.
4. Simultaneous Delivery
iAchieve makes it easy to run vocational qualifications alongside mainstream GCSEs, giving teachers and learners the choice about which qualification is right for each individual. A combination of academic and vocational options can help provide the broad and balanced curriculum school leaders are often striving for.
Offering two options not only broadens the subject matter learners are exposed to, but it also helps them to develop a wider range of skills and approaches to learning.
5. Switching
Most schools have at least a small group of learners who just don’t engage with the mainstream curriculum for one reason or another. iAchieve’s online learning package offers a simple and effective way of providing learners with an alternative option to qualifications they’re not engaging and progressing with.
Switching from a traditional academic subject such as GCSE PE to a vocational alternative such as NCFE’s Technical Award in Health and Fitness, is straightforward and simple using iAchieve.
Vocational subjects tend to have an internally assessed element which is weighted more heavily that the externally examined element. This gives students who struggle with exam technique, or with the pressure of exams, the best chance of success, because they’re able to show their potential outside of the exam situation. All the knowledge students need to successfully complete the qualification is contained within the iAchieve platform.