KS4 Package Year 11

Year 11

These qualifications expire on 31/12/2022 and this is the last date Awarding Organisations will accept learner registrations. The last date for certificate claims is 31/12/2024. If you’re looking to deliver for learners registering in academic year 2022/23, click here.

NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Health and Fitness (603/2650/5)

Learners work across two Units in this technical award to cover the principles of training in health and fitness, body systems, and preparing and planning for health and fitness.

NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Business and Enterprise (603/2955/5)

Learners work across two units in this technical award to cover an introduction to business and enterprise, and understanding resources for business and enterprise planning.

NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care (603/3293/1)

Learners will work across three Units covering a range of child development topics – including childcare settings, patterns of holistic development, care routines and transitions.

WJEC Level 1/2 Award in Hospitality and Catering (specification A) (601/7703/2)

Learners will gain a depth of knowledge across a range of subjects and specialist skills that will provide them with a good foundation for work or further study in this sector.

BTEC Level 1/2 Technical Award in Digital Information Technology (603/2740/6)

Learners work across three Components in this brand new new  technical award, covering, user interface design principles,  project planning, data interpretation, and effective digital working practices.

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